The Library
Welcome to the Library of the Scorpion's Inn. Please feel free to peruse the volumes here. Intersteing correspondance of the Scorpion Clan appears to have been placed on the shelves amongst other more familiar works.
Stories written in the Scorpion's Inn
History of the Empire
See the History of the Empire page for the unfolding story of what is happening in Rokugan during the era of the Four Winds. These stories tell the history of the Empire from the time of Toturi's death (gold edition)
Scorpion Clan IC letters Archive
Please note that this is not an archive of the Clan Letters as printed in the Herald. For the official Scorpion Clan Letters see Heaven and Earth. For rumours, lies and disinformation disseminated by our Clan in a form other than letters, go to the Subterranean Scroll Cave of the Esteemed Yogo Sothotho.
Japanese and Chinese Books
There are quite a few books which some might call central to the world of Rokugan in as much as it is based on the real world. The Book of Five Rings, The Art of War, The Tao and so forth. Luckily enough a number of these texts are available online, so I have put copies of them here.
L5R Fiction by me
Stories Vingettes & Tales Kaado Issekiwa The Scorpion's Sting (part 1) Taking Tea
The SparrowThe Story of Akodo Okura
The Story of Yoritomo Kororo
The Story of Togashi Koshiu