The Printers

Almanack And Booke of Dayes

Over the little wooden counter and the piles of books people can be seen servicing a huge . . . thing . It vents fire like a dragon and the noise it makes has to be seen to be believed. The thing is magic of course. There is no doubt of that. You put wood in a one end and out come books. That's magic. Be hell to pay when the wizard comes back though, only he is allowed to do magic. He also used to take any books that he found away. Hell to pay...

Making your own RPG

This is the collected advice on how to design, write and publish your own RPG. Although we haven't had anyone who went up to real printing, (i.e. offset litho presses and large print runs) we have amased a lot of information on the lower end of the scale (by producing our own games, posters, flyers, ID cards, Tickets, - You name it, we've done it!). However at this level the difference between 1 copy and 10, and 10 copies and 100, is only the amount of money that you hand over the counter.

The Copy Shop talk

The Copy Shop is a strange but important place. It may be different in other places around the world but here in Edinburgh their are copyshops on every street corner all setup up with very little thought by one man and his dog (and the dog chose the machines). So it is important to understand what you are trying to get done and the pitfalls therof.

Writing your game

Binding your game

The Other Stuff

More to come soon...

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