
A Campaign is a long series of Adventures linked together by a common theme, such as the pursuit of a particular item, the fighting of a specific foe and so forth. A campaign is made up of a series of shorter episodes which are more self-contained but link up with the plot as a whole.

A good way to imagine a campaign is like an epic series of books. Each book will have its own self-contained part of the plot, perhaps the meeting of the characters in the first, the discovery of the evil foe in the second, the pursuit of that foe in the third, and so on. Each of the books is quite distinct, but they all link together in a common theme. The seperate volumes might be the Adventures and the entire series the campaign.

Given that in most games each individual adventure may take many sessions to play out campaigns can take a number of years to play. Indeed many groups never finish a single campaign, the same plots and elements just go on and on until the group either gives up or the characters die. In many cases campaigns will be made even longer by the interspersion of shorter adventures with no link to the overall campaign. Indeed there are many epic campaigns, which attempt to cover the entire lives of the characters.