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I keep vigil on your secrets, desires and fears - even the ones you do not know. Especially those ...
Bayushi Sunetra
This is the deck I used for an 8 person Gold tournament in Edinburgh, I came 1st
This deck is an adaptation of the Seeds of War deck I used. There were adjustments on both fate and Dynasty sides. Some of these were well advised changes, and some made little difference. A few I think were even mistakes and I plan to go back again.
On the Dynasty side Kamnan is gone, replaced by more Yudoka and Paneki, this was a very good idea. In addition I added Kaukatsu as metagaiming against honor. He was wonderful for this. With 3 Yudoka, 3 assassins, 3 poisoned weapons and 2 ambushes I had a raft of late game actions to pull out against honor. With temples and Yojiro as a buffer for my own honor I was able to counteract this. More than one game against honor has been one by this method, and its by far the best bit of anti-honor meta I have found so far. I also added the Underhand, which won me a game against shadowlands singlehandedly, and Welcome Home, which was handy, but hardly vital. Turaki continues to be fun, but is a weak link in the Dynasty side. I might pull Welcome Home and 1 Turaki to trim the deck a little.
On the Fate side there were more changes, some less good. The switch from charge to no-dachi, though well reasoned, was also a mistake, and really did reduce the efficiency of the deck, I felt the loss of the charges all the time. I also added a lot of anti-dueling cards, PW and Kharmic. On reflection I think I need 3 Kharmic and 2 PW and not the other way around. Both the Ninja Thief and the Shosuro Technique, though great on paper, were seldom more than dead weight in my hand, and its possible that I may switch both for overconfidence. I may pull both no-dachi, thief and tech and go with 2 overconfidence and 2 charge.
Dynasty Deck (40)
The Towers of the Yogo : Hantei Naseru
Personalites (18)
3x Bayushi Kwanchai
3x Shosuro Yudoka
3x Bayushi Sunetra
3x Shosuro Higatsuku
3x Bayushi Paneki
1x Bayushi Paneki XP
1x Shosuro Ydoka XP
1x Bayushi Yojiro XP2Events (5)
1x Imperial Gift
1x Travelling Merchants
1x In Time of War
1x Vengeful Dead
1x Revering the PastHoldings (17)
1x Gifts and Favours
3x Small Farms
3x Large Farms
2x Ancestral Shrines
3x Geisha House
3x Jade Works
1x Sanctified Temple
1x Scorpion Distractor
Fate Deck (41)
Ancestors (2)
1x Shiryo no Shoju
1x Shiryo no DairuItems (8)
3x Dotanuki
3x Footman's Yari
1x Celestial Sword of the Scorpion
1x Yoritomo's KamaActions (25)
3x Armed and Ready
3x Superior Swordsman
3x Sneak Attack
3x Rallying Cry
3x Superior Tactics
3x Poisoned Weapon
3x Test of Courage
2x Shosuro Technique
2x Inner FireFollowers (6)
3x Spearmen
3x Ashigaru Spearmen