Extra Dark

See list of Qualities.

Often what people who claim they want to run dark actually play.

If your GM rewrites your character background, and when you work out what the new one is he (Extra-Dark campaigns are almost always run by men who have had no successful relationships!) rewrites it again, then its extra-dark. If your character is mind controlled into conforming, or you have to be mind controlled into playing, then its extra-dark. If your can look at your character and itemise no solid friends or allies, then it extra-dark.

My best advise. STOP PLAYING and find something else to play. You'll discover at times like this that most of the other players will be quite willing for a change. However do not broach it in terms of temporarily rounding up the campaign in the next couple of sessions because extra-dark GM's have egos the size of large orbiting battle stations and lets face it summing up will continue until they want to stop.

Oh yes, nobody is going to get pissed off with me for writing this because no extra-dark GM's ever think they are extra-dark GM's, the line between a good dark style and an extra-dark style is very fine and an ego can easily blind. However lots of people will think I'm talking about their GM, they're just too afraid to say.


There are no good examples of the extra dark style, Lovecraft is a possible. Basically no famous publisher or director worth their salt would produce it.
