Red Framework House
This is a custom house inspired by Valkyrie from the playmoboard,
who very kindly lent me the spray paint I used. This house is simply made
by prising the white parts out of each framework wall and then spraying them.
Once they are dry they are snapped back together and there you are. Its a
simple alternative to the rare old houses, but it only took 10 minutes.

Medieval Bed
This is a Medieval bed, created for a castle. The mattress was made by
my wife Victoria. The bed is a simple construct of plasticard that is then
painted brown. Designs of fantastic animals are then painted on top of the
base coat with acrylic.

Head in a Ball
When I found a small plastic ball in a lot of Kinder Egg parts for some
reason I thought at once of a head in a ball! To make this I sawed the head
off a klicky, and then sanded down the top where the hair was. I used
milliput to fill in the holes and then made an exposed brain where the hair
was. Finally I painted all of this.