The Archpriest is a character from my Tanaloth
roleplaying game, a senior religious figure equivalent to the Pope.
I wanted to have an Archpriest figure for my Playmobil collection and
so set about making one. The Archpriest's formal robes are white and
gold. He wears a huge mitre, carries a staff, and wears a white cloak.
You can see a picture of him here
(the archpriest is in the middle).
Main view of the Archpriest |
Back view with the cloak and mitre removed |
To make the figure I started with a 4579
spirit special, this gave me a white body, but also a white face
and hands. I then took apart an old figure who had on livery, but had
white sleeves, and swaped the arms and head around. The cloak came from
the spirit special as well.
To go with the basic figure I needed the mitre, decoration on the front
of the figure, and a staff. All of these were constructed using epoxy
putty. The mitre was built up on the base of a Playmobil helmet (making
it removable), while the decoration was applied directly to the figure.
The staff was made by cutting down a viking spear and then building
up the star on the end. This proved to be very difficult, as the star
lacked much in the way of internal support.
Finally I painted the new parts gold, and added red designs on the
legs of the figure. On the chest decoration I used dark ink to make
the likes between parts.