
21 entries found.

Rank 1

KeywordsAttack, Aimed, Ranged
This spell allows the Mage to summon an eldritch blue glow which can be directed to strike at any target within twice the Mage’s Level + 4 strides, after a normal To-Hit roll (using Attack + Ranged / Special (Magic). If it strikes the victim takes 2D4 damage which ignores all armour.
BloodPlus 2 strides range and either +1 To-Hit or +2 damage per blood Level.
Blessing of Water

This spell allows the Black Cloak to control the flow of life-giving waters to the plants around him, blessing or cursing them. The Mage stands in the center of an area of plants and summons power, before unleashing it for one of the following two effects:

The plants around the Mage are blessed, their growth enhanced. The plants effected will grow well and strong over the following cycles, improving the quality of the next harvest. It has little immediate benefit however unless the Mage takes a burden in which case the plant growth is more rapid, with benefits appearing in days. A community dependent on blessed crops gain +3 Survival when the crops are used.
The plants around the Mage have the waters sucked from them, and wither and die. This effect starts immediately, but the consequences are unlikely to be felt for days, or cycles in the case of the largest plants such as trees. A community dependent on cursed crops gains a -3 Survival penalty.

The maximum area affected by the spell is an area of 10 Legats Square for each level of the casting Mage. The effects of Blessing of Water can be reversed by Crop Touch.

power+10 square Legats affected per Power Level
Fire Spirit Warding
This spell summons an immaterial and invisible heat spirit that will guard the area of the Red Cloak’s choosing for up to 1 day per Level. If the area is intruded upon then it will warn the Mage, regardless of distance, before vanishing. Power levels for this spell may be gained by offering blood (1 Lethal damage per power level).
power+1 day per Power Level
Fire Wall
This spell creates a curtain of fire, up to 2.5 strides high by 4 long and 1 thick, which appears where the Mage gestures, up to his 10+Level Strides away and resting on any solid surface other than water. The fire burns for up to 10 minutes. Anything passing through the wall takes D6+8 magical flame damage. A roll To-Hit (using the Ranged / Special (magic) skill) is needed to conjure the wall such that it hits someone as it appears. It is possible to conjure the wall in such a way as to trap someone within its circle but it is at Power -5.
power+1 damage and +2 minutes duration per Power Level, or +1 stride long
Fire Within
This spell allows the Red Order Mage to draw deeply on the power of the Sun, filling their body with flickering flame. Anyone looking at the Mage when they do this can clearly see that they are brimming with power. The Mage's fur stands on end, each hair flickering with sparks, while their eyes glow with solar power. Such a display of energy is deeply intimidating, and the Mage gains Oratory / Command +5 to demand compliance by use of this threat. The only downside is the unusually high fatigue cost associated with holding so much power.
power+1 Command per 3 Power Levels
Joining of the Broken Stone
Placing two pieces of a broken rock together the Mage may restore them to their unbroken state. Note it is up to the GM whether this spell is capable of repairing magical objects.
powerAt +5 can merge pieces of two different rocks.

Rank 2

Flowing Waters
Using this spell a Black Order Mage can rejuvenate a faltering stream, restart a failing spring, or bring water back to a dry well. The spell must target a single natural water source, which the Mage must touch while casting the spell. Provided water has flown from the source at some point in the last week, the spell will restore the source to it's full natural flow for one week from the time of casting, after which it fails once more.

If the Black Mage is willing to take 2 burdens the restored spring does not fail after a week, but instead continues to flow for one Short Year before the magic lapses.
power+1 week into the past per power level
Riving of the Dead Stone
With this spell the Black Order Mage may rive or split a slab of worked stone in half. This is the opposite of the 1st Circle joining spell. The spell only works on dead stone, i.e. not mountains, bedrocks and so forth, only worked stone, and on no stone more than a hand’s breath thick (i.e. not city or castle walls but certainly doors and similar). With a sharp crack the stone simply shatters under the Mage’s hand. The maximum area affected is 2 strides on a side.
power+1 finger of thickness per power level, or +1 stride area per power level
Water, Fire, Stone
This strange spell is a specialty of the Red Order of Ur. With it a Mage can use elemental forces to overcome other elements. With Water he can destroy fire, with fire stone and with stone water.

Water : By casting this spell with at least a flask of water the Mage can extinguish a non-magical fire within 10 strides if he rolls a 4+ on a D20 adding his Circle. If the fire is magical then a roll of 17+ (adding Circle) will still extinguish it unless it was created by a higher Circle spell.

Fire : Casting this spell while bearing a mass of flame equal to at least the flames of two torches will smash a stone up to 1 tirol in wight on a roll of 6+ (add Circle) or a block up to 2 x2 strides by up to 1/3 stride thick on a 12+.

Stone : Finally casting the spell with a polished stone the size of the Mage’s fist will explode a volume of water up to 4x4x4 strides on a 3+ or save someone from drowning for up to 10 minutes on a 10+. In all cases the object used is destroyed.
power+1 on any roll per Power Level

Rank 3

Requires Fire Wall.

A variant on the First Circle Fire Wall spell. The Brushfire is an extended line of flame that will sweep through grasslands, undergrowth or other flammable foliage under the Mage's direction. When cast the Mage gestures at a spot up to 10+Level Legats away, causing a wall of flame to spring up and then spread out to a length of 2xLevel in Legats. Each subsequent round the Brushfire spreads one Legat further on each end, and moves away from the Mage at a Move equal to the Mage's Level on Initiative 5. Anyone caught by the Brushfire takes 2D4 fire damage. The Mage may concentrate to alter the direction of the burn (using his action), but the wall cannot turn back over already burnt land, and will be stopped if it reaches an area where there is no fuel. The Brushfire burns for a number of rounds equal to the Mage's Level, though it may be extended by paying 1 Fatigue each round after this.

Multiple Magi can combine their Brushfires into one spell, creating a single line that joins end to end. A combined Brushfire gains +1 Move, +1 Damage and +1 Initiative for each additional wall, as well as the bonus of length, and has free duration equal to the best wall involved. If any Magi involved ceases to Extend their segment the Brushfire breaks up into multiple parts.
power+1 free rounds of duration per 2 Power Levels
Fire Maze
Requires Fire wall.

A greatly enhanced version of the First Circle Fire Wall spell. The Fire Maze fills an area of 30 cubic Legats with intense magical fire, which deals 2D6+8 damage to anything that passes through it. The Mage gestures where the wall is to appear, and it will then burn for 10 minutes.

Unlike the lesser spell the Fire Maze has a variable geometry. It can be arranged in any shape so long as no part is less than 1/2 Legat in any dimension, and no more than 4 Legats of unsupported height (so for example a low wall 1/2 a Legat high, 1/2 a Legat deep and 120 Legats long is possible). No part of the wall may be more than 15+Level Legats from the Mage when he casts the spell. At least some part of the wall must be supported on a horizontal surface, but this can as easily be stone or water as something flammable. A roll To-Hit (using the Ranged / Special (magic) skill) at -4A is needed to conjure the wall such that it hits someone as it appears.

The Mage can easily shape the wall with multiple branches and turns so as to entrap someone within it, but the wall cannot entirely enclose someone. A person so trapped must win a contested Int roll against the Mage to escape. The number of rounds they are trapped equals the number of rolls needed to succeed.
power+1 minute duration per 2 Power Levels
Fire Sphere
To cast this spell the Mage must first prepare an enchanted sphere of red copper on which mystical designs are etched. This sphere is value 8 and has a Crafting (Mining / Smithing) Difficulty of 14. As part of the crafting process the Mage must cast the spell 3 times on 3 consecutive days, using 11 Fatigue and -10 Difficulty for each casting.

To activate the sphere the Mage casts it into an open fire (use Ranged / Thrown skill against a Defence of 10 - Size as given below), and makes a quick Channelling roll. If the throw and the casting are successful all the flame instantly rises up into a ball of fire which then explodes, doing D10+X damage where X depends on the size of the fire, 3 for a cook fire, 6 for a campfire, 9 for a large grate and 12 for a bonfire, to all in a 7 Legats radius. Each target may roll Agility resisted by 13 to take only 1/2 damage. After the explosion there is a chance equal to 7 or less on a D20 that the sphere is damaged and cannot be used to cast the spell again.
power+2 damage per Power Level
+1 chance of sphere being intact per Power Level
Halo of Fire
KeywordsAugment, Defend
This spell conjures about the head of its target, whom the Mage must touch, a ring of small glowing balls of fire, of a number equal to the level of the Casting Mage. These spheres remain in existence for up to 30 minutes. Any further casting of the spell on a target removes the old spell and replaces it with the new one. In combat the subject of the spell may expend a sphere to attempt to nullify any blow that would otherwise hit them. They must do this before determining damage for the hit. Roll a D20. On a roll of 10 or less the damage is nullified entirely. An area of effect attack (something that engulfs the target) is nullified on a 5 or less.

Only one sphere can be expended per blow, but the subject may block any number of blows in a single combat turn as long as he is aware of the attack being made upon him. A spell cast by an unseen Mage or a sudden stab in the back alike cannot be deflected with this spell.
power+1 chance of deflection per +2 Power Levels
Stone Word
The sound of this dead word is a burden to mortal flesh. The Mage may direct it at a single target within 20 strides, who will be suddenly weighed down. For a period equal to the Mage’s level in combat turns the target is at -4 Agility, -4 Phys and -4D. The target may spend a turn doing nothing and then roll Spirit to escape the word.
Blood+1 effect or +1 turn duration per blood level.

Rank 4

Fire Pit
Over a period of a week a Red Cloak may create a Fire Pit from red stone and iron. The Fire Pit is like a Mage, in that it traps the power of the Sun and allows it to be used for Red Order magic. To light the fire one or more Keldians must be burnt to death in the pit. The Casting Mage must sacrifice 3 Health.

Once the fire is lit it can maintain up to 2 Energy Level's of spell or burdens (each burden uses 1 EL), such that the total ranks of the spells involved are not greater than the number of Keldians sacrificed (burdens count as rank 1). Any spell with a duration of Maintained or Extended cast on a Fire Pit that has free Energy Levels becomes Sustained, and has it's duration extended for as long as the fire continues to burn. Similarly a burden passed to the Fire Pit is maintained for as long as the fire burns.

After that the pit must be tended constantly to function, requiring a constant supply of fuel equal to Wealth 6.
power+1 Energy Level / Burden sustained per 8 Power Levels.
This enables the Red Cloak to walk on fire as if it were earth, without taking any harm, and finding support on even such surfaces as solid flame, magma, burning rubble, blazing oil or anything else. As long as the Mage walks in this way, with bared feet, then they take no damage, though they are unprotected if they are actually pushed over into the flames. The spell also confers no protection versus fire magic, save that on which the Mage might be walking.
Water Turning
The rivers of the Twilight lands are all tributaries of the One River, which is fed from the ice of the Dark Side, thus the Black Order’s magic can control them, altering their courses to flow where they will. With this spell a river can be bent up to 50 strides away from its course. Alternatively its sources can be made dry, reducing its flow by a third, or enhanced, increasing flow by a third. Either effect lasts only so long as the Mage sacrifices one man and one woman a day, or the spell is bound to an Obsidian Sphere.
power+15 strides deviation or an additional 1/3 alteration per power level.

Rank 5

This spell creates a fire similar to the Fire Pit, which must be fueled from at least 25 strength worth of blood. It will then burn for an hour, further hours requiring another 20 strength of blood to function, other than this it needs no fuel. A Red Cloak standing within 10 strides of the Bloodfire can reduce the Fatigue of a spell by D4 and the difficulty cost by 2. Doubling the blood used doubles these benefits.
power+10 strides radius of effect per Power Level
+1 fatigue reduction per 2 Power Levels
Fire Bone
This spell requires something which can draw on the power of the sun, something that has once lived, hence the bone of a Keldian must be used. The Red Cloak enchants the bone over three days, casting the spell once on each day, and it becomes wreathed in undying fire which casts a glow like the Red Sun over an area 6 strides across. Should a Red Cloak grasp the bone and destroy its magic he can cast spells as if during the Brilliance on the Light Side, regardless of where he is.
power+10 strides are lit per Power Level
Fire Swarm
KeywordsAttack, Summon, Ranged
This spell summons a swarm of fire spirits from the sun, which will attack targets of the Mage's desire until spent. In the round that the Mage completes the spell a number of fire spirits descend from the sun to swarm around him. Each spirit resembles a ball of rolling fire that drops from the sky (passing through any intervening objects on the way) leaving a trail of actinic flame behind it. A number of spirits equal to the Mage's Level is summoned.

Each round the Mage may direct two of the spirits to attack a target. This does not use up the Mage's action. The spirit has an attack of 35, and can hit a target up to 20 Legats away, following it around corners or behind cover if needed. As long as the Mage can direct the spirit to its target, it will make its attack. When it reaches the target the spirit explodes in flame, inflicting 4D6 damage on the target (Agility / Acrobatics vs. 15 for half). When it's attack is complete the spirit evaporates with a shriek of superheated air.
power+1 spirit commanded per round per 3 power levels
+1 max range per power level
Golem of Fire
KeywordsSummon, Creation
This spell can be used to create a mighty magical servant from a form cast from Wealth 15's of bronze or copper with a heart made from a single Treasure 6 crystal. This statue takes three smiths 100 days to complete. Each extra worker reduces this total by 4 , to a minimum of 30 days.

Once made the Golem must be enchanted, which involves casting this spell 5 times on 5 days, not necessarily consecutive. Each casting of the Spell Inflicts a Magic Scar on the caster as the power burns through them. Each casting need not come from the same Mage. When the final enchantment is cast a life force must be forced into the Golem's shell. Any summoned Red Order creature (such as a Spirit from the Sun) bound to the casting Mage can provide the force, as can one of the Mage's own Greater Bonded Ones. Add the Circle of the sacrificed Demon (or Level of the sacrificed Bonded One) to the Golem's Attack, Defence and Armour. When the creature comes to life it's will is bound to that of the Order that made it, and it will accept orders only from them.

The finished Golem of Fire is a cunning artifice in the shape of a Keldian warrior, armed with a fire-wreathed weapon and powered by a constantly burning magical fire trapped within its gemstone heart. This fire makes them warriors of prodigious speed and ability. Such golems, when they have been made, are either set to guard a treasure of great worth or set as the lead warrior of a city’s armies. Such a Golem is usually Keldian in size and shape, but may be made in any shape without altering its attributes.
At Def Ag Int Phys Pre Spi H S W Ar MD Mv Fer Quick
Burning Weapon