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Rank 3

Greater Command

Requires Lesser Command

This spell gives the Red Cloak control over natural and magical flames. With an action (and a gesture) they can make any of the following alterations to an existing fire no larger than a bonfire and up to 5+Level Legats distant.

  • Extinguish the fire
  • Alter the vigour of the fire (making it burn low or surge high)
  • Alter the colour and character of the fire (hissing, sparking, steady, flickering, etc.)
  • Cause the fire to move or spread up to 2 Legats across a flammable surface
  • Cause the fire to jump a gap of up to 1 Legat to a flammable surface
  • Cause the fire to move or spread up to 1 Legat across an inflammable surface

In addition they can cause the air around the fire to fill with burning sparks and smoke (Area 3, D6 damage ignoring armour, -3A) or clear a similar area.

If the Mage wishes to extinguish fires larger than a bonfire then she may extinguish selected bonfire sized bits of it one at a time. Each section requires an action and a roll of Int + Sorcery vs. 15.

The powers conferred by the spell are usable at will for 1 minute per Level, extending for 2 Fatigue for each extra minute. To cast this spell the Red Cloak must bear an iron weapon from the Dragon Mountains.

power+D6 minutes duration per Power Level
+1 Int for extinguishing bits of blazes per Power Level