Spellbook Blue Order

2 entries found.

Rank 3

Lightning Wall
magic points3
This spell requires at least two Halfmen to cast, and usually involves 5 or 6 (each of which casts the spell). As each casts the spell a wall of lightning springs up between each pair of Halfmen (up to a maximum distance of 10 Legats). Anything living passing through this wall suffers D4+8 damage ignoring armour. As the Halfmen move the wall moves with them and is often used to heard their prey into a tight space. The wall remains in force for 5 minutes + 1 minute per Halfman in the wall.
Boost+1 damage per Boost
+1 minute duration per Boost
Storm of Maddness
magic points10
This spell must be cast by no less than 8 Halfmen at the same time (each casts the spell). It gathers the winds of the Light Side to form a burning storm of dust and sand that boils up in the space of 10 minutes. This storm covers an area with a radius of 50 Legats per Halfman and can move up to 100 Legats per Halfman each round. The storm is primarily intended to cause fear and to cover the movements of the Halfmen.

Anyone in the area of effect of the storm suffers near blindness (A/D-10), and must make a Physical roll resisted by 15 or be knocked down or battered about. In addition the storm causes a Fear 15 attack on everyone affected. The storm continues to rage for half an hour, or until none of the Halfmen involved remain.
Boost+1 half hour per Boost