
6 entries found.

Rank 1

Fire Wall
This spell creates a curtain of fire, up to 2.5 strides high by 4 long and 1 thick, which appears where the Mage gestures, up to his 10+Level Strides away and resting on any solid surface other than water. The fire burns for up to 10 minutes. Anything passing through the wall takes D6+8 magical flame damage. A roll To-Hit (using the Ranged / Special (magic) skill) is needed to conjure the wall such that it hits someone as it appears. It is possible to conjure the wall in such a way as to trap someone within its circle but it is at Power -5.
power+1 damage and +2 minutes duration per Power Level, or +1 stride long
Ward of Thorns
When Casting Ward of Thorns the Mage scratches a line in the ground. This can be as long as 10 Legats per Level, but the Mage must draw the entire line while casting. When the line is complete a wall of twisting grey thorns, bare of leaves, bursts from the ground along the line, rising to a height of 2 Legats. The thorns inflict D6 Lethal on anyone trying to push through them. If you try and do so roll Physical vs. 15. On a failure you take the damage but do not force your way through. Cutting a gap sufficient for a Keldian requires 14 damage with a cutting or chopping weapon against Defence 10. The wall lasts 10 minutes in the Light or Dark side or 30 minutes in the Twilight Lands.
power+4 minutes duration per Power Level
The White Order Mage throws a handful of sand into the air and a wall of iron-like wind materializes, strong enough to rebuff any force up to Phys 32 and resist any projectile. The wall is up to 2 strides high, 4+Level long, and 1/2 stride thick. The wall remains where it has been commanded for up to 10 minutes. Windwalls placed in the way of oncoming gales will cut the force of the wind, and resist blown rain, but do nothing to prevent magical forces or lightning.
Blood+2 strides square for each blood level.

Rank 3

Requires Fire Wall.

A variant on the First Circle Fire Wall spell. The Brushfire is an extended line of flame that will sweep through grasslands, undergrowth or other flammable foliage under the Mage's direction. When cast the Mage gestures at a spot up to 10+Level Legats away, causing a wall of flame to spring up and then spread out to a length of 2xLevel in Legats. Each subsequent round the Brushfire spreads one Legat further on each end, and moves away from the Mage at a Move equal to the Mage's Level on Initiative 5. Anyone caught by the Brushfire takes 2D4 fire damage. The Mage may concentrate to alter the direction of the burn (using his action), but the wall cannot turn back over already burnt land, and will be stopped if it reaches an area where there is no fuel. The Brushfire burns for a number of rounds equal to the Mage's Level, though it may be extended by paying 1 Fatigue each round after this.

Multiple Magi can combine their Brushfires into one spell, creating a single line that joins end to end. A combined Brushfire gains +1 Move, +1 Damage and +1 Initiative for each additional wall, as well as the bonus of length, and has free duration equal to the best wall involved. If any Magi involved ceases to Extend their segment the Brushfire breaks up into multiple parts.
power+1 free rounds of duration per 2 Power Levels
Fire Maze
Requires Fire wall.

A greatly enhanced version of the First Circle Fire Wall spell. The Fire Maze fills an area of 30 cubic Legats with intense magical fire, which deals 2D6+8 damage to anything that passes through it. The Mage gestures where the wall is to appear, and it will then burn for 10 minutes.

Unlike the lesser spell the Fire Maze has a variable geometry. It can be arranged in any shape so long as no part is less than 1/2 Legat in any dimension, and no more than 4 Legats of unsupported height (so for example a low wall 1/2 a Legat high, 1/2 a Legat deep and 120 Legats long is possible). No part of the wall may be more than 15+Level Legats from the Mage when he casts the spell. At least some part of the wall must be supported on a horizontal surface, but this can as easily be stone or water as something flammable. A roll To-Hit (using the Ranged / Special (magic) skill) at -4A is needed to conjure the wall such that it hits someone as it appears.

The Mage can easily shape the wall with multiple branches and turns so as to entrap someone within it, but the wall cannot entirely enclose someone. A person so trapped must win a contested Int roll against the Mage to escape. The number of rounds they are trapped equals the number of rolls needed to succeed.
power+1 minute duration per 2 Power Levels
Misty Solidification
KeywordsArea, Wall
This spell allows the Black cloak to exert influence over mists, causing the water in them to form walls, steps or any other solid shape. A number of cubic Legats of solidified mist can be created equal to 5 + 2 x the Mage's Level, none of which can be more than 12 Legats from the Mage. The mist remains in the form imposed on it for up to 10 minutes.

Solidifed mist is partially opaque, and semi-solid. A full cube of mist has Health 10 and Armour 2, while a thin wall using half a cube has Health 5 and Armour 1. A wall with an opening provides partial cover to anyone fighting from behind it. Simple shapes (walls, half walls and cover) can be automatically created. Anything more complex requires a successful Int + Craft / Mason skill roll resisted by 10 + the number of complex features the Mage is trying to make that round. If the roll fails the complex items do not manifest and the Mage must roll again next round. A Mage may try and entangle a target in the solid mist by making a successful hit roll using Ranged / Special (magic) skill.
power+2 cubic legats of mist per power level
+2 max range per power level
+1 minute duration per power level