Gazeteer : Feature

7 entries found.

Ea's Spire
A spire of red-grey rock jutting from a windswept plain of Razor Grass, Ea's Spire is one of few landmarks on the road from Wind's Canyon to Darkin. The spire marks the location of a low output spring, and is a place where tribesmen and hunters sometimes stop to take shelter or exchange news. The spring seeps into a scalloped stone basin, and then soaks into the soil. Small niches provide shelter, and faded rock paintings and votive offerings mark the people who pass by. The top of the spire is often used as a roost by Cudu'djell, who sometimes attack lone travellers visiting the spring.
Hellgrass Reach
A wide plain of Razor Grass surrounding Hellgrass Reach
Mehune's Grave
Some little distance from Ningaur's Steps (at this point little more than a bare track through the Razor Grass), near to Ea's Spire a low hill is marked by a stand of Zerom Trees. At the foot of this grove lie a number of simple cairns, grave markers for an expedition lost to one of the fierce Sandstorms of the Drylands. A single marker stone, on which the name Mehune can be read, gives the place it's name. Sometimes Tornraits can be found here, though they are little but tatters of spirit and memory.
Pass of Eagles
Riverwards of Hellgrass Reach, over the wide plains of white sand, lies the shieldlands known as Ahzkuun, a territory of exposed and wind blasted uplands (Harshness 20), dotted with canyons and deep wind-carved pits. A small number of canyon routes reach all the way across the Ahzkuun, the chief of which is known as the Pass of Eagles. This high sided canyon winds it's way from Still Water to Meerok, a distance of about 5 days travel (Harshness 15).
River of Bones
A wide expanse of cracked mud, as dry and hard as stone, the River of Bones runes Daywards to Nightwards through the lands of Wind's Canyon. Huge skeletons dot the river, giant rib cages emerging from the ground, with skulls as large as huts. These skeletons are as ossified as the ground beneath them, and do not resemble any living creature. Crossing the River takes at least a day, and there is not a single source of water or food from end to end.
The Black Pits
RegionLast Home
This strange feature lies to the Turnwards of Ningaur's Steps, between Sirara and Der-Maki. Amidst a stony plain lie a series of depressions in which lakes of black tar well up. These expanses of shimmering hot tar are deadly to animals the venture close, scalding them with noxious steam, or collapsing under their weight and enclosing them in pitch. Some attempts have been made by both Derzak and Nistray to mine the tar in the past, and a scatter of abandoned buildings, little more than shells of rough stone and dried cactus, are found near the pools.

Exposure to the fumes from the pools for more than a few minutes inflicts fatigue. Any exposed person must make a Physical roll resisted by a 14, taking the margin of failure in fatigue. Roll again every quarter of an hour.
White Desert
The White Desert is the name given to an expanse of bright white sands and dunes that lies to the Night and Turnwards of Hellgrass Reach. The Desert extends at least 100 Klegs Turnwards, forming a natural barrier to the expansion of Derzaki interests in this direction. Only a few hardy Tribesman bands will ever venture into its depths to hunt through ancient ruins, but they must brave the Sand Beithirs, Salt Dragons and Fire Lions that make their home amongst the sands. More sensible travellers avoid the area.