Like all Nagas, the Naga of Misty Winds is a long serpentine creature with a horned head and many short legs. The Naga of Misty Winds has a body made from hot damp air, and seldom touches the ground, though they do not appear to be able to fly far from the surface either. It attacks simply by flying at its target and scalding it with its body. A Naga of Misty Winds takes no damage from piercing attacks, and only half from any other weapon or spell. Wind-based attacks do double damage.
Such Nagas are found in all parts of the world, always close to a source of water, usually one far from habitation. The Naga makes this water source their home, and spends most of its time near to it. Many travellers like to repeat tales of having to bargain with a Wind Naga for access to their water.
Most of these tales are probably untrue, keldians encountering a Wind Naga at its pool are usually attacked without warning. At other times the Nage will range as much as half a day's travel from the pool and attack seemingly at random. A wise traveller knows that a sighting of a Wind Naga means that a source of water must be somewhere close by. A very wise one will most likely avoid it.
If seriously wounded or slain, the Naga assumes a crystalline shape, like a small version of itself, at the bottom of its pool. If this is removed from the water then it will become a gem worth Treasure 5, otherwise in three days it becomes the unwounded Naga once again.