The Naga of Eight Eyes is a spirit creature found in ancient ruins and places of power. It resembles a large green and copper serpent (it is often mistaken for a verdigris stained statue) crowned with a dragon head. As with other Naga it has many short clawed legs. Atop its head are eight black eyes which allow it to see in every direction and dodge any blow, hence its high defence. Such Nagas commonly protect certain places, for what reason it is not known, and will attack anything that strays into their area.
The eyes of the Naga are its main weapon, each capable of projecting a black ray of force at a nearby target. This ray either does damage, or strikes against a spell or magic item carried by the target. A spell struck is dispelled if the ray's damage exceeds twice the Circle + EL of the spell. A magic item is disabled for a number of rounds equal to the damage roll -6 (negative numbers mean no effect). The Naga can instinctively sense active spells and magic items, and choose which to target. Each eye takes eight rounds to recharge before it can fire again, and the Naga can fire as many rays as it wishes each round. It may also strike with its bite, or tail smash, regardless of whether it used any rays. A blow doing at least 5 damage to an eye (Hit Location -10) will disable it.
Should a Naga of Eight Eyes be seriously wounded or slain, it will sink into the earth to recover. It assumes a solid stone form beneath the ground, in an isolated chamber. If this stone form is smashed it will be found to contain 8 Treasure 4 gemstones, otherwise the Naga will reform in 3 days undamaged. Digging a recuperating Naga out of solid stone is an adventure in itself.