World of Termite This is a collection of material relating to the TERMITE games system, and games played using it at GEAS. Termite was wholy designed by me, David Donachie starting before I came to University and being substantially enlarged and re-written since then by me and with the help of all my players. The Termite game, in a number of different campaigns, has been run at GEAS 4 years in a row, mostly by me (although at least 1 full game was run by someone else in GEAS). Termite has gone through a number of different editions during my time at GEAS, and a couple of different game worlds as well. The following sections outline those game-worlds and systems and provide extracts/diaries from some of the games played.
Termite VersionsTermite 2.0
Termite 3.0
Termite Campaigns1994/95 Termite Campaign
1995/96 Termite Campaign
1996/97 Termite Campaign