Consecrate Ward (M/H) (pre. req. Consecrate 14) [ ritual, congregation ]
The prayer of consecration has many uses. To make an item or place more holy, to snctify a place of worship, or to purify a person a place tainted by evil.
Consecrating a Ward
A holy barrier may be set up using Consecrate, which devils, ghosts and spirits may not cross. The larger the ward the greater the modifer to the prayer. The amount by which the consecration succeeds is the strength of the barrier, and the evil thing must defeat this in a will roll to cross. A Physical obstacle makes the ward 2 points stronger or more. Most wards last but a few days. To lay a ward requires beeswax, powdered iron, cornmeal or the blood of Atur.
doorway -2 small room -4 large room/street -6 small building -9 large building -12 5 mins to 30 mins, 4+ fatigue
St. Ulkaric : 26th Quattuor - St. Akeru : 17th Trinity - St. Akur : 11th Quattuor - St. Ethelred : 3rd Octem
Consecrate (M/H)
The prayer of consecration has many uses. To make an item or place more holy, to snctify a place of worship, or to purify a person a place tainted by evil. Consecrate has only Atur as its patron and is day is Ausday.
Blessing a Person [ prayer ]
A person can be blessed to atempt to ward off evil, recover from a faint and so forth. It can grant +1 Health for a roll, wake an unconcious man and so forth. The dead are often blessed before a funeral.
2-5 mins, 2 fatigue
Making Holy Water [ ritual ]
To make Holy water start with pure spring water, which is then blessed. Very holy springs can make very holy water. Holy water can damage some creatures of great evil, doing 1d damage per level of sanctity.
30 mins, 4 fatigue, -2 to cast, per bowl
St. Yesuva : 8th Quinque
Consecrating a place [ ritual, congregation ]
A place can be permanetly consecrated, raising its sanctity. The first level of consecration makes a place holy, but does not raise its sanctity, the second makes it sanctity one. Most shries and graveyards merely have the first level of consecration. To consecrate an are, the outside must be slowly paces, holy water sprinkled and incese burned. Many priests may do this at once.
Level 1 : 1 hour, 8 fatigue per 4 square yards, -2 to cast
Level 2 : 1 hour, 20 fatigue per 4 square yards, -4 to castSt. Etra : 16th-20th Octem - St. Etheldred : 3rd Octem
Deconsecrating a place [ ritual ]
A place may also have its consecration removed. A disused church, for example, will be often deconsecrated. A consecrated place abandoned to heretic forces can become sacred to evil, and so must be deconsecrated first. The deconsecratein only needs clean water, salt and sand.
1 hour, 4 fatigue per 4 square yards
St. Alshain : 2nd Trinity
Consecrate Item (M/H) (pre-req consecrate) [ ritual, enhance cost ]
This prayer is used to permanently consecrate items, and garb
Consecrating Garb
A priests Garb can be consecrated, giving +1 to all prayers and rituals so long as they are worn. This requires white salt, incense and holy water. Only the finset quality garb can be consecrated as well.
5 hours, 6 fatigue (per item), -2 to cast
St. Eirik : 2nd Quinque
Consecrating an Item Temporaily
An item can be temporarily blessed to make it more holy. One could bless the vestments for a service, the tools to be used to forge a holy sword and so on. This lasts only to the next sunrise or set, whichever is the soonest. The Governors of this are the same as for the item list below.
5 mins, 5 fatigue
Consecrating Armour
A knight's armour, and shield can be consecrated. Only the finest chain can hold such a blessing, a padded Jack or leather armour cannot be so blessed. Doing so makes them more effective against creatues of evil, confering +1 block for a shield and +1 PD for armour. The consecration takes 4 days per item, and requires both the blood of Atur and mcuh beeswax, clean sand and white salt.
4 days, 5 fatigue (per day), -3 to cast (per day)
St. Harald : 22nd Sextem - St. Dumas : 14th Trinity
Consecrating Items
It is possible for other items to be consecrated too. This is the hardest use of this prayer. A weapon, icon, censer or holy image might be consecrated in this way. The modifiers and time required for such a feat depend on the object and its size. Though a weapon can be blessed in this way it is very seldom done, rather the souls of holy men and women sometimes live on in their weapons.
Item Modifier Days Cost small icon -2 3 3 ata censer -3 4 4 ata dagger -4 4 5 ata holy image -6 5 7 ata large icon -8 9 8 ata sword -8 14 11 ata huge icon -8 30 25 ata For Weapons - St. Harald : 22nd Sextem - St. Dumas : 14th Trinity
For Others - St. Ingvar : 10th Decem - St. Ergregard : 2nd Duodecem - St. Eithred : 13th Duodecem - St. Eirik : 2nd Quinque - St. Atheyjar : 23rd UndecemFortune (M/H) (pre-req. Consecrate) [ ritual ]
The prayer of Fortune empowers its subject with the blessings of Atur. After being given the blessing the character may reroll any one dice roll, like the luck advantage. You may only be given this blessing once a day. 10 mins, 10 fat
St. Ulkaric : 26th Quattuor - St. Wulfred : 18th Sextem
Intervene (M/H) (pre-req. Consecrate) [ prayer ]
This prayer can be uttered at the instant some harm befalls another. It allows them to instantly re-roll whatever roll caused them harm, a fumble, a climbing roll, and so forth. The Priest must see what happens, and must make a roll against IQ to act fast enough to help. Intervene may only be used when the roll causes physical harm to the subject (it can't be used to save someone from making a fool of themselves at a party for example, or misquoting the Cannons), when the subject is engaged in holy work (repeated use of the Intervention for secular matters either leads to it failing, or the prayer being permanantly withdrawn), and when the roll was made by the subject. For example it can be used to re-roll a missed defence, but cannot affect the opponent's attack.
Instant, 4 fatSt. Ulkaric : 26th Quattuor - St. Hugin : 2nd Septem - St. Ivar : 13th Septem
Rememberance (M/VH) (pre-req. Intervene) [ ritual, congregation ]
This prayer is said to rember the souls of the fallen, that they might live on, and be blessed in heaven. It is used by those priests who chant prayers for the souls of the dead. 20 minutes, 2 fat
St. Yatuvek : 2nd Novem - St. Aelfric : 12th Undecem
Minor Bless (M/VH) (pre-req. Fortune) [ ritual, enhance cost ]
This prayer can only be applied once to a given person until it is used up. It gives the character a permanent luck advantage (i.e. once per gaming hour) for one day. Once this blessing wears off another cannot be given in the same month. 1 hour, 12 fat
Asha and Atur are Governors of this prayer, so their days are more sacred
Blessing of the Sword (M/H) (pre-req. Fortune) [ ritual ]
This blessing raises all skills of the subject related to combat, weapon skills, shield skills, and active defences (but not, for example, body language or acrobatics) by 1. This blessing lasts until the character fails an important (GM's decision) combat roll, but would pass it with an additional +1, at this point the roll succeeds and the blessing fails. This blessing cannot be applied to the same person more than once in the same week. 30 mins, 12 fat
St. Dumas : 14th Trinity - St. Huldred : 27th Sextem
Blessing of the Pen (M/H) (pre-req. Fortune) [ ritual ]
This blessing raises all skills of the subject related to intellectual skills and writing, such as illumination, theology, history and so forth, by 1. This blessing lasts until the character fails an important (GM's decision) roll using one of these skills, but would pass it with an additional +1, at this point the roll succeeds and the blessing fails. This blessing cannot be applied to the same person more than once in the same week. 30 mins, 12 fat
St. Akur : 11th Quattuor - St. Aelfric : 12th Undecem - St. Nathaniel : 27th Undecem - St. Atheyjar : 23rd Undecem - St. Cerastus : 10th Sextem
Blessing of the Hand (M/H) (pre-req. Fortune) [ ritual ]
This blessing raises all skills related to the craft of the subject by 1, such as tanning, building, carving and so forth. This blessing lasts until the character fails an important (GM's decision) roll using one of these skills, but would pass it with an additional +1, at this point the roll succeeds and the blessing fails. This blessing cannot be applied to the same person more than once in the same week. 30 mins, 12 fat
St. Ingvar : 10th Decem - St. Huldred : 27th Sextem - St. Harald : 22nd Sextem
Major Bless (M/VH) (pre-req. Fortune 17+ and at least 2 of Blessing of the Sword, Pen or Hand at 15+)
[ ritual, enhance cost ]
This blessing is the most complex that can be given to a person. It requires a complex ritual in a holy place (at least sanctity 2) using costly (5 ata) ammounts of mhyrr, beeswax and pure water. Someone with this blessing has all their rolls increased by 1. This blessing remains until the person is threatened with something that is potentially fatal, which could cuase a mortal wound, or which would endanger the success of some mission of great importance to them, at which point the blessing expires and the person is saved.
Should the invoker of the blessing lose his powers or faith in some way the blessing will expire, and if the subject of the blessing should stray from the worship of Atur or become evil then the blessing will also expire and in addition will cause them 1d of damage in the process. No person may recieve this blessing from more than one person at once, and no more than once in each month.
Until the blessing expires the one who laid it upon them has a -1 on their skill with any other prayer, and their maximum fatigue is reduced by one point. As soon as the blessing goes away for any reason the -1 goes away and the point of fatigue returns. Note that the invoker of the blessing may remove it at any point with nothing more than a short ritual, even if the protected person is not present. 1 hour, 20 fatigue
St. Alhedra : 21st Quinque - St. Cerastus : 10th Sextem